Online Pokies Offer

Huge offer of Online Pokies

I’m sure you’ve seen them at the casino or in the pub: pokie machines. The principle is simple. The pokie machine consists of several rolls with therefore different symbols. You put money into the machine that is converted into credits. With this, you can bet, and if you get certain combinations, you win money. But how are these combinations and payouts arranged? Usually, there is a computer in the pokie machine that runs the reels with a random combination. The chance of making a profit is, of course, in the long run, always lower than the chance of making a loss. The newer pokies (video pokies, with a screen) are even easier to adjust using the software.

Online Pokies

What is becoming more and more apparent nowadays with the internet are online pokies games. You can then play a pokie machine on your computer. Some websites have replicated the real machines almost 1 on 1. Especially old classics that are now almost impossible to find in pubs are still playable. But, what about the payout rates on online pokies? A lot of people are sceptical about this because it’s very easy to scam people and, of course, not all online casinos are checked. However, there are also various bodies online that monitor whether different gambling providers are using fair payouts. On the basis of extensive research, the payout rate for online gambling pokies is 95%. This is a better rate than real pokies in Australia, but of course this is due to the fact that no expensive machine needs to be purchased by the operator.

Endless choice of Huge Online Pokie Offerings

Through these online casinos you can play a huge number of online pokies games. From classic to the most modern pokie machines. The beauty of these pokies is that you can see the payout percentage. The payout percentage can be found in most cases in the description (rtp). This shows that these online pokies games generally pay out better than a pokie machine at the Land-based Casino. Percentages of 95% to 99% are quite normal.

Good luck when playing pokies and if you still have a nice win, please let us know. We have a nice forum where you can find everything you need to know about gambling.


As with all other casino games, the player lags behind. However, pokies are not as bad an investment as some people would have us believe. Moreover, many pokies games have a progressive jackpot which, with a little (good) luck, allows you to win very big prizes. In Land-Based Casinos and online casinos, the payout rate is around 90% to 97%. This means that the house edge is around 3% to 10%. This is of course still higher than Blackjack, Punto Banco or Roulette, but with a pokie machine you are more likely to win high amounts with a small wager. Gambling in a pub or bar is less sensible. The minimum payout percentage is only 60%, which is of course very little. In practice it is not that bad, there is still about 83% paid out, but this is still 17 cents loss on every dollar you put in the pokie machine!